I don’t know. Maybe I’m a shitty PT. Maybe I’m just not self-deluded.
As always, there’s probably something closer to ‘right’ somewhere in the middle, but still … this COVID-related message was retweeted by the APTA’s President of the Home Health Section:
I get it … I’m a nihistic shit, but are we really thinking – when dealing with a virus/illness that is killing nearly 20% of the afflicted over the age of 80 in Italy and is projected to infect between 40-70% of the general population – that our default position is that the small benefit that physiotherapy has demonstrated in reducing readmissions (in limited samples/populations) is worth the risk of becoming COVID vectors in the community? When data from China indicates that the infected are contagious for days prior to exhibiting symptoms? When the patients that we are trying to serve are the ones most susceptible to the disease?
I suppose so and continue to visit patients and practice at a distance. Not because I am essential, but because my personal health insurance coverage is.
I continue to practice good hygiene as best I can and educate each patient that they have a choice. No one has declined my service yet.
Hopefully, that will be enough to help me sleep at night. Even if alone.