
Since I was 21 years of age, I have been pulled over 6 times for speeding, yet not once have I received a ticket for a moving infraction.

Here is how I do it:

Step 1: Don’t get pulled over by a trooper.

Step 2: (I happened upon this one by accident, the first time I was pulled over, and have continued since) Unbuckle my belt so I give them something to cite me for that won’t cost me points.

Step 3: (If it is dark) Turn on the dome light of it is dark so they can see in my car as they approach

Step 4: No surprises … open up the glove box so they can see what is (and isn’t inside).

Step 5: Place my cards on the dash in clear site

Step 6: Place my hands at 10 and 2.

Step 7: I only move when I’m asked for something and I always say what I’m going to do before doing it.

Step 8: Yes, officer. No, officer.

My thought? If I am predictable and make their life as easy as possible, they may be appreciative and let me go with a warning.

I do all that so that I can save a few hundred bucks.

If I were black, I’d have to do the same thing for fear of staying alive.