A New Chapter is Being Written

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It has been a long, but very blessed, couple of days for sure.

While Keith came home to blog and go to sleep on Wednesday evening, Christine took advantage of the nursery at the hospital and caught up on a little sleep into Thursday morning. Granted, she was woken every 3 hours to feed Tori, but she looked far more rested by mid-day Thursday.

Thursday morning, Keith took Austin to school and stopped in to work to tie up all loose ends there prior to taking a week off (Mary Lou was gracious enough to afford him the opportunity to take vacation at the “spare of the moment”). While Keith was still in Fayetteville, Grandma Waldron went to the hospital for some baby time while Christine took a very deserved and appreciated shower (her first since delivery), prior to receiving her first visit from Larissa.

When Keith arrived at 11:30, Grandma left to go pick up Austin from school and Keith remained at the hospital throughout the rest of the day as Kevin, Peggy and Lia came to visit, as did Lauren and Kathy. Later in the evening, Austin came back to the hospital with Grandma to see Tori, but mostly to hang-out with Mommy (it became increasingly clear over the course of the 2 days how much he was missing Christine).

When the night drew to a close, Christine and Tori were once again left to get some more rest prior to coming home today. Christine was able to catch up on some sleep…and looked even more rested this morning than last night; she is amazing.

This morning at the hospital went smoothly and time flew by…the pediatrician came in an cleared Tori for discharge and within another 90 mins, Christine’s physician did the same. So…after Christine watched a mandatory video about the consequences of violently shaking your baby to quiet them when they cry too much or too loud (SPOILER ALERT: it is theoretically bad for the baby’s health), the girls were in the car and on their way to Chittenango.

When we arrived, the house was decorated beautifully for Tori’s arrival (thanks to Austin and Grandma)…and Austin was sooooo excited to bring Tori into our home.

It has been a whirlwind 48+ hours, but they have been nothing short of amazing. A big public thank you to Grandma Waldron for being so awesome over the last 2 days…she was a God-send, for sure. A new baby was born, and yet Austin never had to worry about his days or schedules being disrupted by anything but excitement. In doing so, it made for a tremendous experience for all of us!