A Busy Weekend, For Sure

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Wow…it has been quite a weekend, and it isn’t even over yet!

Lucky for Christine, Victoria is sleeping pretty well at night. Now, that is not to say that she is sleeping through the night, but she is falling back to sleep in short order after feeding…once every 2-3 hours. Granted, that is still a LOT of broken sleep, but it is better than feeding her and having to try to work to get her back to sleep afterward. This is particularly advantageous for Keith, as he can’t feed her, and she is sleeping well enough that his assistance is not yet required…but fear not, he will be called to action in a month (Christine has assured him of this).

On Saturday morning, Keith and Austin went to MLCPT to go swimming; Austin has been a bit anxious in the pool during swimming lessons at the YMCA, so Keith has decided to make it a Saturday morning tradition to go to Mary Lou’s to go swimming (Austin is having fun, Keith is providing additional swimming instructions). Surprisingly, after swimming, Austin turned down an offer to go to Dunkin Donuts for his favorite chocolate donut, but that was okay…it gave us more time to go to our next destination.

After picking up Christine and Victoria, we drove to North Syracuse to visit Great Grandma and Great Grandpa (who hadn’t met Victoria yet). We were joined by Grandma, Uncle Kevin, Aunt Peggy and Lia. It made for a full, but happy, house as both Great Grandma and Great Grandpa held both babies while Austin continued to let his personality shine. There were more smiles than one could possibly count over the course of 2+ hours that we were there, but we certainly were able to capture a few of them on “film”.

After visiting at Great Grandma’s and Great Grandpa’s, we traveled home to meet with “Auntie Ann” and Uncle Ed who were driving in from Queens. They were coming in for the weekend and “Aunt Lizzie” was to follow by bus later in the evening (she came by bus and was picked up by Christine and Angela, while Keith was online with his commrades in NJ participating in his annual fantasy baseball draft and Ed and Austin played downstairs). Again, as if it needs to be said, there were smiles abound and Victoria was really, really amicable throughout the day and evening…and those smiles and good times continued the next morning.

This morning, Austin woke up Elizabeth to play with Cars before 7:00, seemingly upon her own request…although this just provided her with a reason for a brief nap later on in the day. Ed and Angela were on the road by 1:00, but not before eating breakfast, going to church (Angela/Elizabeth) and playing with Austin (Ed) before getting the “privilege” of watching the second half of the movie Cars, and eating lunch. Since her parent’s departure, Elizabeth has even been so fortunate to watch a NASCAR race with Austin on the television (Kevin Harvick won, for those of you keeping track of the Sprint Cup standings). At this moment, she is holding Victoria while reading a book to Austin…oh yeah, and Keith is sitting next to Harvey, who is doing better than last year, but still needs his fair share of attention to keep him quiet when company is visiting. Oh well…