[nggtags gallery=3,Stephanie,DJ,Keith,GrandpaW]
We were fortunate enough to have Stephanie and DJ travel in from NJ to meet our new bundle of joy and deal with our menace of a canine. We enjoyed their company and are very happy that they got to meet Tori, play Cars for hours upon hours with Austin, and take in the melodies sung in a way that only Harvey can sing them.
On Sunday afternoon, Grandpa Waldron stopped by with Grandma to see us as well…it was the first time that Grandpa was able to hold the baby as he was a little under the weather when they first met earlier in the week. Babies are often a bit slow to warm up to Grandpa, but Tori was content throughout and didn’t fuss once (even when she experienced a little episode of “indigestion”).
A big thanks to everyone for coming to visit…I am sure that we will be feeling the effects of cabin fever soon (Christine worse than Keith, for sure), so it is nice to get the company when we do.