These are the days that led me to acquire the IR camera body.
I was home alone with the family in NJ. The local sun was high and (mostly) bright, and my typical camera probably wouldn’t have been able to capture much in the way of striking imagery without a more-than-serious amount of time spent with Photoshop. Thanks to my possession of an IR body, I get to choose to bring something different with me.
I decided to take a walk at Green Lakes and with sun in the afternoon sky, chose to walk the western shore of the lakes. At the northern end of the lake, the clouds and sun were kind to me, as were all the people who were out enjoying the beautiful day.
Later, at Round Lake, with greater protection and less/no human activity, the reflections were increasingly noticeable and dramatic.
But just because I have an IR camera doesn’t mean that I am unwilling to put a lens on my regular camera and take a few snaps, initially in color when the sun would momentarily hide …
… and later in the afternoon, when the IR camera found its place in my bag as I captured images of the light peaking through the canopy on my way back to the car.
As is usually the case, I didn’t capture any images that I would ever consider printing poster-sized on any wall in my house, but I had a very, very pleasant day outside, nonetheless.
Later, when I was processing some images, I tinkered with some false color on my favorite of the bunch. I gotta be honest, I still prefer the the look of the monochrome processing over false color of the 720nm camera body (which, admittedly, it supposed to be the strength of the wavelength).