A Saturday Morning Surprise

While the kids were at Taekwondo, I drove to Mill Run Park to walk the upper field and practice taking pictures of birds. Aside from a robin or two, the experience was otherwise unremarkable until I walked down to the creek, where I know a couple cardinals can often be seen.

Yes, I was able to locate a cardinal, but it was too high in a tree to capture a meaningful image.

As I was walking along the creek, I stopped to compose a couple of images with the digital ND in the camera, but neither were worthy of much attention.

As I was beginning to return to the car, though, I was surprised to see a heron come to rest behind the trees and downstream from where I was standing. I crossed the bridge and slowly made my way in the cover to try to see the bird through the same branches that were obscuring me from the bird. I was able to capture one image before the bird flew away, which was just as well, because taekwondo was coming to a close and I needed to go pick up the kids anyways.

Mill Run Surprise

I would edit the image heavily, and while it might be overdone to some people’s eyes, it tickles me for now, especially when I consider what the image looked like out of camera.