As some of you may know, Austin has been sick since Wednesday with a fever that has varied from high 99 to 104+ degrees (the worst being Friday in the early evening. As a result of his continued illness (he remains consistently between 101 and 102 degrees) we elected to stay home for Easter this year. It has been disappointing not spending time with family (and Christine is also a bit bothered by her inability to see the kids in the Easter attire), but we have been making the most of it. In light of all the time we have had on our hands this morning/afternoon, the blog has received some much needed attention, including videos of our morning today….hope you enjoy! Happy Easter! (* Keith discovered there is a cap on how large files can be, thus necessitating our sharing larger videos in multiple parts…sorry for any inconvenience)

More Visitors…and some other things too!

This weekend, we were very fortunate to have Aunt Diane drive in from NJ with Grandma Shewciw, so that they could meet Victoria and visit with the rest of our family! [nggtags gallery=4,312a] Austin, in particular, had a GREAT weekend.  You see, not only did he have some company at our house (he LOVED playing doctor with Grandma), he also got an opportunity to go to some birthday parties on both Saturday and Sunday with Daddy (while Mommy stayed at home with Diane and Grandma).  Oh yeah, and there was NASCAR.  Surprisingly (insert sarcastic tone of voice here), no one in the house was quite as excited about the dropping/waving of the green flag in the race as Austin was. The moment arrived this past weekend when Christine was finally able to reclaim a little of her independence back as well. You see, as long as Victoria is tethered to […]

The First Full Week of April In Review

This week was the first with Keith returning to work full-time…which meant that there were more mornings with Christine getting up early and more evenings with Keith staying up late. It stunk for Christine a little this week because Keith returned to a workplace that required a lot of paperwork this week, which means that he needed to stay later than he likes while bringing home some paperwork to do as well (which he likes even less). As a result, Keith was around less in the evenings (in particular) to help get Austin and Victoria ready for bed and bathed…and it can be a bit tricky juggling 2 baths at the same time (one in the tub, one in the sink), but Christine does an admirable job, nonetheless. This weekend was a very busy weekend too…Austin had Dad’s Day at school on Saturday. Keith and Austin went to Bright Beginnings […]

A New Chapter is Being Written

[nggtags gallery=3,Tori,room] It has been a long, but very blessed, couple of days for sure. While Keith came home to blog and go to sleep on Wednesday evening, Christine took advantage of the nursery at the hospital and caught up on a little sleep into Thursday morning. Granted, she was woken every 3 hours to feed Tori, but she looked far more rested by mid-day Thursday. Thursday morning, Keith took Austin to school and stopped in to work to tie up all loose ends there prior to taking a week off (Mary Lou was gracious enough to afford him the opportunity to take vacation at the “spare of the moment”). While Keith was still in Fayetteville, Grandma Waldron went to the hospital for some baby time while Christine took a very deserved and appreciated shower (her first since delivery), prior to receiving her first visit from Larissa. When Keith arrived […]

The Beginning Of A New Era

Wow, it has only been a short 3+ years, but there have been a lot of things that we have shared with you, our friends and families. over the years at the Waldron Family Chronicles…and we are very thankful for all those who have peeked in (over 7,900 visits over that time) to see what we were up to and how Austin was growing up. But all good things must come to an end and the Waldron Family Chronicles is no exception. In anticipation of having a new baby girl, Keith has been debating in his own mind the virtues of privacy on the internet. To date, all of our stories, videos and pictures are “unlisted” and someone needs to have the physical link to access materials, but Keith has become increasingly weary of posting things online, especially with one child getting older, and another eventually growing older as well. […]