Father-Son: Rochester Air Show

With NASCAR out of the picture and Austin not having a tremendous interest in camping/photography (last year’s activity), Austin was left to try to come up with something that he might want to do with Keith this summer. Keith had told him that he was willing to travel out of state (by car, of course), but he was hoping that Austin would be able to think of something that he would like to do together. Alas, Austin wasn’t able to think of anything.

So Keith took it upon himself to look into the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds with the thought of Austin perhaps enjoying looking at and watching aircraft, in light of his interests in aeronautics. Fortunately, the Thunderbirds were scheduled to perform at the Rochester Air Show this past weekend. All Keith would need to do was wait and see if the weather would cooperate. By Thursday morning, it was clear that Sunday would indeed be a good day to go, so Keith approached Austin, who was keen on the idea of going to the show.

The show began at 1000, so Keith and Austin departed a bit before 8:00 am and made their way to Rochester and things were already underway by the time they had parked the car to make their way onto the airport grounds.

When we arrived, we took a quick peek from a distance at the Thunderbirds before walking past other displays of training aircraft to find the Warthog.

There were actually 2 Warthogs: one would remain on display while Austin would watch the pilot inspect, taxi, and ultimately take-off with the other.

Before the Warthog took off, the opening ceremony included a C-47 with skydivers.

It wasn’t long after that the Warthog took to the sky before the C-47 returned to make a few passes before landing and opening its doors to attendees, including Austin.

In the time between the C-47 landing and Austin going for a closer look, Keith and Austin took in more sights and grabbed a small bite to eat from one of the vendors.

But, of course, the stars of the show were the Thunderbirds and they did not disappoint.

After the show was complete, Keith and Austin returned to the car and Austin would work on his studies while they waited an hour to exit the parking lot/field.

The day would close a Toss and Fire Pizza in North Syracuse, Austin’s favorite pizza joint in CNY.

It wasn’t a drive out of state and a stay in a hotel, but hopefully the experience was as meaningful for Austin at this summer’s airshow as previous trips to the Poconos. It certainly was for Keith.