I sorta remember feeling the same last year.
Unmotivated. Down. Lazy. Uninspired. Dare I say a little more depressed than usual?
It only occurred to me when I had to get blood drawn for my annual physical this week and the Doc had asked them to check my Vitamin D; I was reminded that my levels were horribly low last year. I began to recall that I was placed on a mega-dose for 2 weeks followed by a supplement that I stopped taking once summer arrived. I also remembered the PA explaining away some depressive symptoms last year through the lens of low Vitamin-D and telling how much better I would feel with supplementation. I was skeptical, gave it a try, felt no better, and (frankly) forgot about it until now.
So, maybe I have a little seasonal-thing that happens, I dunno. Or maybe it gets cold and I just don’t get out as much and I need to get out more to feel okay. Chicken, meet egg. Egg, meet chicken. Or maybe it is a coincidence. I have no way to tell.
Trying to be proactive, though, I decided to grab my camera once the sun started peeking through the clouds on Sunday and go for a walk at Green Lakes. I didn’t know it then, but I probably could have left the camera at home.
It was nice to get out for a walk, though. And while I walked about 5 miles, I practiced a bit of the HDR function on the camera (in case I decide to pursue a new model that doesn’t yet have RAW support on FOSS) and tried to listen for (and identify) some birds. Aside from a few finches, though, everything was quiet. Even the squirrels and chipmunks were sparse. I did try to circle a piliated woodpecker at one point at the end of the walk, but alas, it eventually flew far, far to north, so I was left with only one decent image for the day.
Maybe I’ll have better luck next time.
No matter, I need to make sure that next time is soon.
This sitting at home thing isn’t helping anyone.