
6 weeks ago, things were a little different.

I wasn’t naive. COVID-19 was going to get to my community. I had no doubt. I had been watching and following the news out of China and had strongly considered not traveling to San Diego in mid-February as a result. I also had no idea that it would get here as quickly as it did. Not that it would have necessarily changed my mind.

I walked out of the building at Nascentia yesterday, 4 weeks after giving them notice of termination of my employment. The last 4 weeks have been a roller coaster ride as COVID hit New York and I’ve perpetually wondered if now was the right time for such a move, but despite incessantly re-running the scenarios in my mind, there was no turning back. Will the next company still take me considering what is going on or would they rather wait? What would happen to my health insurance coverage if they didn’t? Christine’s out of work; how long can we live on no salary? What does an austerity budget look like for our home? (Yes, of course I made one, just in case). Did I make the right choice?

All I could do was keep my fingers-crossed – you know, cuz that was gonna help.

In 4 days, I walk into a different building in a different role. It seems that I am still wanted. It seems that I am still needed. While there are people who are better and smarter than me at their respective jobs across the country who are new laid-off and unemployed, I’ll have actually changed jobs for significantly better money during a national and regional crisis when my family needed the money the most.

It isn’t lost on me …

… Life isn’t fair.