
It was all Christine’s idea, actually.

Since the early winter, Victoria has been into horses. A lot. She watches videos about horses. She reads about horses. She has spent money on toy horses, riders, and stables. She has studied breeds, riding styles, and equipment. Despite not having access to a horse, she has been all in, so Christine thought it would be nice if Victoria had a chance to go horseback riding.

Initially, there was some question about who should accompany her, but Keith and Christine quickly agreed that a mother/daughter event would be most apt. By excluding friends, Victoria would be able to fully absorb the experience and be in the moment throughout. Christine could also engage Victoria in a manner that would keep her engaged with her experience, rather than be distracted. Christine ultimately arranged for the two of them to ride at Highland Forest County Park. Keith accompanied her and Victoria to take pictures and walk the park for a bit while the girls were riding.

By all accounts, Victoria has a wonderful time and was already asking to ride again soon before she had gotten to the car to ride home.

Keith asked her to share her experience and she said, “I rode for an hour, it was fun, and I want to do it again.”