This weekend, we were very fortunate to have Aunt Diane drive in from NJ with Grandma Shewciw, so that they could meet Victoria and visit with the rest of our family!
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Austin, in particular, had a GREAT weekend. You see, not only did he have some company at our house (he LOVED playing doctor with Grandma), he also got an opportunity to go to some birthday parties on both Saturday and Sunday with Daddy (while Mommy stayed at home with Diane and Grandma). Oh yeah, and there was NASCAR. Surprisingly (insert sarcastic tone of voice here), no one in the house was quite as excited about the dropping/waving of the green flag in the race as Austin was.
The moment arrived this past weekend when Christine was finally able to reclaim a little of her independence back as well. You see, as long as Victoria is tethered to Christine exclusively for feeding, Christine needs to either be at home or with Victoria at all times. Well, that is now no longer the case as Victoria took her first bottle this weekend. Christine had her concerns because Victoria has been flat-out refusing to take a pacifier, but Keith was confident that she would be okay with the bottle once she realized that she would be rewarded for her efforts. It took a couple of minutes for her to get used to it (and some bouncing while Daddy was holding her), but she eventually got the hang of it.
The last little bit of fun came on Sunday after Austin woke up from his nap and he had the opportunity to make a series of mostly brown easter eggs. They started off colorful, as some of the pics may help to illustrate, but after he dumped all of the eggs into each color multiple times, they somehow lacked the vibrancy that one sometimes expects from easter eggs.