Month in Review: May 2011
May has been a very busy and fun month; we are sorry for not keeping you more up to date along the way, but Keith doesn’t have the same amount of time after Victoria’s birth as he had after Austin’s for blogging. Nothing personal, it is just that other things are going on in life. Austin is doing great…as would be expected. He finished his first year of preschool earlier this week. We are so proud of how big a boy he has become. Sure he has some of Daddy’s anxiety issues, but he remains bright, inquisitive, polite, and happy. He will be attending the same school next year, the only difference being how often he will be there. This past year, Austin went to school twice weekly (Tuesdays and Thursdays) from 9:00 to 11:30. Next year he will move up to the next level in the preschool and will […]